Mini Vacation

23 Apr

We had one weekend that we could spend not at our host family’s house… and it was the most fun I’ve had in so long. Pure- non supervised non regulated fun. We strolled through the historic Distric of Quito and I thought I had entered a European portal. We climbed the scary ladder steps to the top of the Basilica and got a beautiful view of the city. We got a beer whenever we felt like it. We stayed in a cute hostel with lots of staircases and book cases and a balcony dining room / bar and an open fire pit. Then the next day we hiked Ruminhaui which sits right in front of Cotopaxi.

The altitude made it slow going but it was gorgeous. Beneath us was a green delta- looking grassland, behind us the glaciers of Cotopaxi peeking through the clouds, in front of us the black rocky walls of Ruminahui, and I saw some relatives of Indian Paintbrush and Lupine in the grasses as we walked. We were not up at the top for long, it started to sleet, but just long enough to get that wonderful high one feels from the perspective of a mountain top looking out. Or maybe the thin air was getting to me, but I felt complete, and normal, and at home for a few moments.

Driving back to Quito I felt angry. I didn’t want to go back to Tumbaco for another week of now pointless training, and I wasn’t looking forward to getting split up from my other volunteer friends and Tumbaco family at the end of it. Also our trip reminded me that three months ago I used to be free. I would go on a mountain adventure every weekend with friends. We could camp out, build a fire, jump in the lake, or bring snowboards, or climbing gear, and stop by the brewery on the way home. Whatever the hell we wanted. Or I could go out on my own, which would never be an option here.

Deep breath. Yeah my life was wonderful back in Montana, but I didn’t sign up for the Peace Corps to have fun. I was looking for some meaningful character building, to do something constructive for a change, and I think that is what I will get. I am on a once in a lifetime opportunity, and as annoying as the Peace Corps can be in terms of fun squashing they have provided the structure for this to be possible so I’ll stop complaining. Once this is over however- I’m going to the northwestern United States and sticking some roots in the ground so I can live in those pine forests till I die.

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